The beauty of our Munroe briefs pattern is that it really lends itself to all kinds of pattern alterations to achieve a variety of different looks. Some of the changes that come immediately to mind are lowering the waist line to create a hipster brief or adjusting the leg line for less coverage.

In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to alter the Munroe pattern to get the trendy high leg, cheeky look. It’s such a fun and sexy throwback style that suits pairing with the Lexington really well!

As usual, let’s look at the pattern alterations step-by-step.
- Tape the pattern pieces together, aligning them together at the leg opening seam line and the side panel notches. Since we are altering the leg line, don’t worry too much about the waist line lining up perfectly.
- Find the side seam by aligning center front and center back and making a mark at the natural side seam.
- Draw a straight line down to the leg opening seam line from where you want the highest part of your leg line to end up. This is a personal design preference so have fun! I wanted this sample to be both high legged AND cheeky, so the highest part of the leg opening is actually a little behind the natural side seam. I drew a line about 1 ½” from the natural side seam to reflect that design.
Decide how high you want to make the leg and make a mark on the line from step 3. I made this sample quite high and marked it about 3” from the waist line.
Draw in the new curve for the leg line, blending as needed to the seam lines. Depending on how cheeky you like it, your curve might be more or less exaggerated. This sample blended into the front of the side panel, the back and the back end of the crotch panel. Remember that all design changes should be made to the seam line not the cutting line!
- Add seam allowances to all pieces and cut them apart.

Enjoy your new Munroe and don’t forget to tag your pictures with #munroebriefs and #orangelingerie!